Reinvigorating an abandoned well at „SEE Djerba“ (SEE شوف)

We are very happy to be back in Tunisia and take part in the SEE Djerba festival. Thanks to all the wonderful people here and the great support!

So, let’s see what we can develop here in Houmt Zouk… the abandoned Roman well — the B’ir Ar-rumi بئر الرومي — appears to be an excellent site, we may have to clean up and polish this beauty first though…

And for some contemplative nostalgia, check out our project ATTYÉF AL’MEDINA اطياف المدينة we developed for last years Interference Festival in Tunis…

The B’ir Ar-rumi in Houmt Zouk

شوف reads šūf and is commonly used in Tunisian Arabic to express the action of »seeing«.