Immersive Audio Book Installation
Premiered in August 2019
Created for „Localize Festival - Islands“
Installed at Freundschaftsinsel, Potsdam
What does the word »island« mean to you? What feeling does it evoke?
Installed beneath the pergola of the Botanical Garden on the Freundschaftsinsel (»Isle of Friendship«) in Potsdam, various personal takes on the notion of »island« have been interwoven in the walkable audio book, »a secret archipelago«. Poems and literary quotations as well as personal accounts are recited in eight different languages — simultaneously translated and accompanied by versions in German. The parallel pairs of spokes(wo)men have never met in person and could only identify one another by the sound of their voices. Distributed across five linearly-aligned speakers and embedded in an ocean of insular soundscapes and musical scores, an archipelago of distinct individual voices unfolds.
Developed in the context of the Localize Festival and this years’s topic of »islands«, the installation furthermore provided portraits of the spoke(wo)men focusing only the back of their heads along with all the recited texts in both floating laminated sheets as well as book format.
Created by Xenorama (Lorenz Potthast, Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze)
Violin: Katja Braun
Uilleann Pipes: Peter Reibsch
Guitar: Maki Roots
Thanks to:
Localize e.V., Rima Hammami, Kaj Braune, Robert Kugler, Julia Coster-Longman, Elias Amler, Laura Speicher, Kitty Connell, Lukas Sweetwood, Masha Kurella, Alperen Şahin, Ben Shephard, ZKM Karlsruhe, Stanley Connell, Lina Rothaug, Ai Qyinh Vo, Tina Faßhauer, Hanno Jacobs
Download: Printed Text Book (GERMAN)
Spokes(wo)men in unidentified order:
Sophie Braun, Giuli Piel, Achim Wannicke, Simon Berger, Charlotte Gröbel, Alexios Grammatikopoulos, Lea-Nora Härtel, Nora Fritz, Simon Knop-Jacobsen, Amber Bongard, Timothy John Connell, Beatriz Silva Aranda, Philip Baumgarten, Heinrich Weber, Tilman Böhnke, Brigitta Kurella, Samira Bakkar, Sandeep Dasari