Projection and Sound Installation for Schütz-Novalis-Year

Premiered in November 2022
Presented at Castle Neu-Augustusburg Weißenfels

RE:ZITATION is a light and sound installation as part of the celebratory year in honour of the composer Heinrich Schütz as well as the poet and philosopher Novalis. Neu-Augustusburg Castle in Weißenfels was illuminated by a projection mapping as the final and climax of the celebrations. The castle’s facade served as a canvas for an artistic interpretation of the ideas, style and core topics of the two great personalities. In addition to an analysis and a contemporary interpretation of excerpts of their work, modern algorithms based on artificial intelligence are also applied. These generate – based on compositions by Schütz and Novalis’ poetry – sonic and visual output. The extensive examination of the artistic heritage and work of Schütz and Novalis thus takes on another modern level of meaning in harmony with philosophical ideas of the past and present.


Visuals & Animation: Xenorama
Music & Sound: Xenorama
Animation support: Holger Bück
Music & Sound support: Ertan Çetin, Ekin Çimren
Support technical setup: Mateo Ziethen
Thanks to: Basskontakt
Commissioned by Kulturamt Weißenfels and Heinrich-Schütz-Haus

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