Projection Mapping on the life cycle of a glacier
Premiered in May 2023
Projected onto the City Library Brixen
Commissioned by Waterlight Festival Brixen
The work STRATA is an intriguing journey through the life cycle of a glacier as a site-specific projection on the facade of the public library in Brixen, Italy.
The development of a glacier is followed from Microcosm to Macrocosm, from compressed layers of snow to meandering formations that shape whole landscapes. In the course of the animation, the visitors are guided into the heart of a glacier, where they can witness an interplay of ice, light and sonic phenomena. Also the role of technological advances and human influences on diverse ecosystems are explored, until the cycle begins anew. The abstract animations are accompanied by a custom made soundtrack, that develops from atmospheric soundscapes to dynamic sound design and effects.
Visuals & Animation: Xenorama
Music & Sound: Xenorama
Animation support: Katharina Kleinhans
Technical setup: Lang Medientechnik
Thanks to: Waterlight Festival Team, especially Simon Boccolari