Ice core drill installation on glacier melting

Premiered in December 2023
Presented at SUB ZERO exhibition in Potsdam

While Glaciers store most of our world wide drinking water resources they also act as natural archives which store and divulge historical data from the past. As a recollective medium the ice conserves reports over long forgotten developments providing details about previous climate changes and natural disasters in history. Changes in climate continually challenge these archives in large parts, thus data from multiple millennia is being dissolved and potentially lost. Global warming challenges not only our present and future, but also our understanding of the past.

By haptically interacting with an ice core the visitors can experience the history of an exemplary alpine glacier from the past 43.000 years — ranging back to the first known human cave paintings.


Visuals & Programming: Xenorama
Realtime Sound & Music: Xenorama
Model Making support: Ruben Dauenhauer
Supported by: Landeshauptstadt Potsdam, Fachbereich Kultur und Museum
Thanks to: Julien Seguinot, AWI (Alfred-Wegner-Institut for Polar and Marine Research)

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