Historical Storytelling through Projection Mapping

Premiered in August 2014
Commissioned by Genius Loci Festival
Presented at Herderplatz, Weimar, Germany

The show was hosted at the Herderplatz in Weimar and projected onto the Ohm Krüger House as well as onto the statue of Johann Gottfried von Herder.

On this square, the bust of Paul Krüger, former president of the Boers in South Africa, and the statue of eighteenth-century theologian and humanist Johann Gottfried Herder have faced each other for over a century, both wrapped in contemplative silence.

Their quite discrepant perspectives on indigenous peoples and foreign tradition proved most inspirational. The show was influenced by the façade paintings and traditional masks of the Ndebele tribes, who were oppressed by Krüger, whereas Herder would have been fascinated by them. The result is a vivid interplay between classical façade and South African language of form.


Created by Xenorama (Lorenz Potthast, Marcel Bückner, Moritz Richartz, Richard Oeckel, Tim Heinze) together with Thorbjörn Geisler

Many thanks to Genius Loci Festival for bringing us together.
Thanks also to our friends at Urbanscreen for their valuable technical support


Making Of

This was the first project we realized in this constellation, so we layed the foundation for many of our later workflows and strategies.

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