Filter CategoriesALLSELECTIONAUDIOVISUAL ARTDIGITAL DESIGNCREATIVE RESEARCH COMPRESSION ECHOES anemptytextlline Emergent patterns and glitches of digital image compression Premiered in January 2025 Self-Initiated Research Project DIOPTRICON anemptytextlline Experiments on parallel light Premiered in November 2024 Presented at Güterbahnhof Bremen '89 BLICKWINKEL anemptytextlline Participatory Projection in Public Space Premiered in October 2024 Presented at Leipzig Main StationCommissioned by Light Festival Leipzig GLACIAL MEMORIES anemptytextlline Ice core drill installation on glacier melting Premiered in December 2023 Presented at SUB ZERO exhibition in Potsdam STRATA anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on the life cycle of a glacier Premiered in May 2023 Projected onto the City Library Brixen Commissioned by Waterlight Festival Brixen POLYTOPE XIa anemptytextlline An audiovisual exploration of Speicher XIa, inspired by Iannis Xenakis With students of University of the Arts BremenPremiered in April 2023 Commissioned by HfK Bremen STEEL AND BYTES anemptytextlline Interactive shipyard model for exhibition Premiered in October 2022Exhibited at German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven RE:ZITATION anemptytextlline Projection and Sound Installation for Schütz-Novalis-Year Premiered in November 2022 Presented at Castle Neu-Augustusburg Weißenfels FLUCTUATING LIGHT anemptytextlline Immersive journey through particle paintings Premiered in October 2021 As part of the Bright Festival OPEN SPACE 2022 anemptytextlline Audio-reactive LED Installation and VJing for public stage From June to September 2022At Domshof Bremen EX.POSE anemptytextlline 360° Dance and Media Installation Premiered in February 2022Commissioned by MWFK des Landes BrandenburgPresented at Waschhaus Potsdam open air stage LUMINOUS OBJECTS anemptytextlline Artistic studies in between image and sculpture Self initiated research projectIn continuous development since 2018 MIMESIS anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on "Post-Naturalia" Premiered in October 2021Commissioned by Lichtstrom Festival IngolstadtProjected onto Reduit Tilly OPEN SPACE DOMSHOF anemptytextlline Light and media concept in urban context June until September 2021 Commissioned by University of the Arts Bremen Installed at Domshof Bremen ENTITIES anemptytextlline An Algorithmic Performance Self initiated research project In constant development since 2021 RELIEF anemptytextlline A topographical film and sound study Film premiere with concert in September 2021In cooperation with Marc EisenschinkFunded by: MWFK Brandenburg REFLECT anemptytextlline 360° hybrid concert for orchestra and algorithms Premiered in January 2021 Cooperation with Kammerakademie Potsdamand Waschhaus Potsdam GEZEITEN anemptytextlline Media Architecture Content and Projection Premiered in September 2020 Commissioned by German Maritime MuseumShown at Bangert-Building, Bremerhaven FAST45 anemptytextlline Futures Art School Trends in 2045Research Project about Future Visions on Art Academies Project period 2021 - 2024 As part of the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance KORRELATION anemptytextlline Interactive Media Installation on hybrid ecosystems Premiered in September 2020 Commissioned by ZKM | Center for Arts and Media KarlsruheProduced for “Seasons of Media Arts” Festival THE EVER CHANGING LIGHT anemptytextlline Media Performance for impressionist exhibition Premiered in August 2020 Commissioned by Potsdam Museum BELONGING anemptytextlline 180° Projection Mapping on Alte Oper Frankfurt Premiered in March 2020 Commissioned by Luminale Projected onto Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany WOANDERS anemptytextlline Media-Scenography for music performance Premiered in December 2019 Commissioned by Hebbel am Ufer, BerlinConcert by Masha Qrella AUFBRUCH MOSAiC anemptytextlline Interactive floor projection for MOSAiC expedition Premiered in September 2019 Commissioned by Alfred-Wegner-InstitutProduced for MOSAiC-Expedition farewell event Presented in Tromsø, Norway POLARSTERN FAREWELL anemptytextlline Projection on ship for expedition farewell Premiered in September 2019 Commissioned by Alfred-Wegner-Institut Produced for MOSAiC farewell event Presented in Tromsø, Norway Projected onto POLARSTERN icebreaker A SECRET ARCHIPELAGO anemptytextlline Immersive Audio Book Installation Premiered in August 2019 Created for „Localize Festival - Islands“ Installed at Freundschaftsinsel, Potsdam WALLS OF PERCEPTION anemptytextlline Projection Mapping for ZKM Schlosslichtspiele Premiered in August 2019 Produced for Schlosslichtspiele 2019 Curated by ZKM | Centre for Arts and Media Projected onto the castle of Karlsruhe SCREENIZATION: AUTONOMY anemptytextlline Experiment on pixels creating a swarm screen Presented in November 2018 Produced as part of series of "Screenization" Experiments SCREENIZATION: MATERIALITY anemptytextlline Sculpture of purely screenic material Presented in November 2018 Produced as part of series of "Screenization" Experiments FORMATIONEN anemptytextlline Audio-reactive tower projection Premiered in October 2018 For the 4th Edition of Stendaler Lichttage Projected onto the Uengelinger Tor VORTEX LUCIS anemptytextlline Interactive Media Installation Premiered in June 2018 Produced for Stadt für eine Nacht 2018Presented at Schinkelhalle, Potsdam, Germany LIVING BUILDINGS anemptytextlline Exhibition projection on architectural model Premiered in May 2018 Presented at Offizze, Schiffbauergasse Produced for ProPotsdam GmbH METAMUTATIONS anemptytextlline Spatial Extension of Festival Identity Premiered in May 2018 Presented at Filmuniversity Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Potsdam Produced for Sehsüchte Filmfestival OFFENBACH CENTRAL anemptytextlline Façade Projection with Email Participation Premiered in March 2018 By invitation of “Initiative Hauptbahnhof OF” Presented at Luminale - Light Art Biennial LUX EXCELSIS anemptytextlline Architecture Projection in Church Vault Premiered in January 2018 Produced for EVI Lichtungen Festival Presented at St. Andreas Kirche Hildesheim RESONANCE anemptytextlline Interactive Tap Dance Performance Premiered in January 2018 Produced for TEMPS D‘IMAGES Festival Presented at Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf Together with Luka Tap Productions HAMSAAT AL-BIR anemptytextlline Community Project about an Abandoned Well Premiered in July 2017 Produced at SEE DJERBA Festival, Tunisia Presented at the B’ir Ar-rumi, Houmt Souk 100m² MEER anemptytextlline Interactive Floor Projection for Exhibition Design Premiered in May 2017 Produced for House of Science Bremen Cooperation with University of Arts Bremen DER KUSS anemptytextlline Stage Projection for Ballet Performance Premiered in January 2017 Produced for Theater Pforzheim AUREAL anemptytextlline Augmented Fashion Show for Anniversary Event Premiered in May 2017 Produced for Goldstadt250 Presented at Congress Centrum Pforzheim GOLDSTADT 250 anemptytextlline Panorama Projections for Jewellery Anniversary Premiered in May 2017 Produced for Goldstadt250 Presented at Congress Centrum Pforzheim ATTYÉF AL’MEDINA anemptytextlline Interactive Shadow Projection in Tunisia Premiered in September 2016 Produced at INTERFERENCE Light Festival Presented at Dar Sharif, Tunis, Tunisia TRANSKUTAN anemptytextlline Analog Projection Mapping Premiered in August 2016 Presented at Schlosslichtspiele 2016 Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media RADIX anemptytextlline Digitally Augmented Projection Sculpture Premiered in March 2016 Produced for Luminale Lightning Biennale Originally presented at Senkenberg Museum Frankfurt KINETIC STREAM anemptytextlline Interactive Installation Premiered in January 2016 Produced for Festival Temps d‘Images Cooperation with Hochschule Düsseldorf Presented at Tanzhaus NRW FAÇADE DIALOGS anemptytextlline Participatory Projection in Public Space Premiered in September 2015 Commissioned by CityLeaks Urban Art Festival Presented at Wiener Platz, Cologne ONEIRONAUT anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on Palace of Karlsruhe Premiered in August 2015 Presented at Schlosslichtspiele GLOBALE Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media Produced for Stadtmarketing Karlsruhe MOYA FAÇADE anemptytextlline Historical Storytelling through Projection Mapping Premiered in August 2014 Commissioned by Genius Loci Festival Presented at Herderplatz, Weimar, Germany IMAGO anemptytextlline Interactive Projection Mapping Premiered in May 2014 Presented at Theater am Goetheplatz, Bremen Produced for Bremer Karneval - Lichtertreiben FASZINATION DIGITAL anemptytextlline Interactive Projection Mapping Premiered in November 2013 Presented at Chinelo Theater, Bremen Produced for Chinelo Theater Bremen DREAM BUBBLE MACHINE anemptytextlline Projection on Smoke-Filled Soap Bubbles Premiered in July 2012 Filter CategoriesALLSELECTIONAUDIOVISUAL ARTDIGITAL DESIGNCREATIVE RESEARCH COMPRESSION ECHOES anemptytextlline Emergent patterns and glitches of digital image compression Premiered in January 2025 Self-Initiated Research Project DIOPTRICON anemptytextlline Experiments on parallel light Premiered in November 2024 Presented at Güterbahnhof Bremen '89 BLICKWINKEL anemptytextlline Participatory Projection in Public Space Premiered in October 2024 Presented at Leipzig Main StationCommissioned by Light Festival Leipzig GLACIAL MEMORIES anemptytextlline Ice core drill installation on glacier melting Premiered in December 2023 Presented at SUB ZERO exhibition in Potsdam STRATA anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on the life cycle of a glacier Premiered in May 2023 Projected onto the City Library Brixen Commissioned by Waterlight Festival Brixen POLYTOPE XIa anemptytextlline An audiovisual exploration of Speicher XIa, inspired by Iannis Xenakis With students of University of the Arts BremenPremiered in April 2023 Commissioned by HfK Bremen STEEL AND BYTES anemptytextlline Interactive shipyard model for exhibition Premiered in October 2022Exhibited at German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven RE:ZITATION anemptytextlline Projection and Sound Installation for Schütz-Novalis-Year Premiered in November 2022 Presented at Castle Neu-Augustusburg Weißenfels FLUCTUATING LIGHT anemptytextlline Immersive journey through particle paintings Premiered in October 2021 As part of the Bright Festival OPEN SPACE 2022 anemptytextlline Audio-reactive LED Installation and VJing for public stage From June to September 2022At Domshof Bremen EX.POSE anemptytextlline 360° Dance and Media Installation Premiered in February 2022Commissioned by MWFK des Landes BrandenburgPresented at Waschhaus Potsdam open air stage LUMINOUS OBJECTS anemptytextlline Artistic studies in between image and sculpture Self initiated research projectIn continuous development since 2018 MIMESIS anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on "Post-Naturalia" Premiered in October 2021Commissioned by Lichtstrom Festival IngolstadtProjected onto Reduit Tilly OPEN SPACE DOMSHOF anemptytextlline Light and media concept in urban context June until September 2021 Commissioned by University of the Arts Bremen Installed at Domshof Bremen ENTITIES anemptytextlline An Algorithmic Performance Self initiated research project In constant development since 2021 RELIEF anemptytextlline A topographical film and sound study Film premiere with concert in September 2021In cooperation with Marc EisenschinkFunded by: MWFK Brandenburg REFLECT anemptytextlline 360° hybrid concert for orchestra and algorithms Premiered in January 2021 Cooperation with Kammerakademie Potsdamand Waschhaus Potsdam GEZEITEN anemptytextlline Media Architecture Content and Projection Premiered in September 2020 Commissioned by German Maritime MuseumShown at Bangert-Building, Bremerhaven FAST45 anemptytextlline Futures Art School Trends in 2045Research Project about Future Visions on Art Academies Project period 2021 - 2024 As part of the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance KORRELATION anemptytextlline Interactive Media Installation on hybrid ecosystems Premiered in September 2020 Commissioned by ZKM | Center for Arts and Media KarlsruheProduced for “Seasons of Media Arts” Festival THE EVER CHANGING LIGHT anemptytextlline Media Performance for impressionist exhibition Premiered in August 2020 Commissioned by Potsdam Museum BELONGING anemptytextlline 180° Projection Mapping on Alte Oper Frankfurt Premiered in March 2020 Commissioned by Luminale Projected onto Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany WOANDERS anemptytextlline Media-Scenography for music performance Premiered in December 2019 Commissioned by Hebbel am Ufer, BerlinConcert by Masha Qrella AUFBRUCH MOSAiC anemptytextlline Interactive floor projection for MOSAiC expedition Premiered in September 2019 Commissioned by Alfred-Wegner-InstitutProduced for MOSAiC-Expedition farewell event Presented in Tromsø, Norway POLARSTERN FAREWELL anemptytextlline Projection on ship for expedition farewell Premiered in September 2019 Commissioned by Alfred-Wegner-Institut Produced for MOSAiC farewell event Presented in Tromsø, Norway Projected onto POLARSTERN icebreaker A SECRET ARCHIPELAGO anemptytextlline Immersive Audio Book Installation Premiered in August 2019 Created for „Localize Festival - Islands“ Installed at Freundschaftsinsel, Potsdam WALLS OF PERCEPTION anemptytextlline Projection Mapping for ZKM Schlosslichtspiele Premiered in August 2019 Produced for Schlosslichtspiele 2019 Curated by ZKM | Centre for Arts and Media Projected onto the castle of Karlsruhe SCREENIZATION: AUTONOMY anemptytextlline Experiment on pixels creating a swarm screen Presented in November 2018 Produced as part of series of "Screenization" Experiments SCREENIZATION: MATERIALITY anemptytextlline Sculpture of purely screenic material Presented in November 2018 Produced as part of series of "Screenization" Experiments FORMATIONEN anemptytextlline Audio-reactive tower projection Premiered in October 2018 For the 4th Edition of Stendaler Lichttage Projected onto the Uengelinger Tor VORTEX LUCIS anemptytextlline Interactive Media Installation Premiered in June 2018 Produced for Stadt für eine Nacht 2018Presented at Schinkelhalle, Potsdam, Germany LIVING BUILDINGS anemptytextlline Exhibition projection on architectural model Premiered in May 2018 Presented at Offizze, Schiffbauergasse Produced for ProPotsdam GmbH METAMUTATIONS anemptytextlline Spatial Extension of Festival Identity Premiered in May 2018 Presented at Filmuniversity Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Potsdam Produced for Sehsüchte Filmfestival OFFENBACH CENTRAL anemptytextlline Façade Projection with Email Participation Premiered in March 2018 By invitation of “Initiative Hauptbahnhof OF” Presented at Luminale - Light Art Biennial LUX EXCELSIS anemptytextlline Architecture Projection in Church Vault Premiered in January 2018 Produced for EVI Lichtungen Festival Presented at St. Andreas Kirche Hildesheim RESONANCE anemptytextlline Interactive Tap Dance Performance Premiered in January 2018 Produced for TEMPS D‘IMAGES Festival Presented at Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf Together with Luka Tap Productions HAMSAAT AL-BIR anemptytextlline Community Project about an Abandoned Well Premiered in July 2017 Produced at SEE DJERBA Festival, Tunisia Presented at the B’ir Ar-rumi, Houmt Souk 100m² MEER anemptytextlline Interactive Floor Projection for Exhibition Design Premiered in May 2017 Produced for House of Science Bremen Cooperation with University of Arts Bremen DER KUSS anemptytextlline Stage Projection for Ballet Performance Premiered in January 2017 Produced for Theater Pforzheim AUREAL anemptytextlline Augmented Fashion Show for Anniversary Event Premiered in May 2017 Produced for Goldstadt250 Presented at Congress Centrum Pforzheim GOLDSTADT 250 anemptytextlline Panorama Projections for Jewellery Anniversary Premiered in May 2017 Produced for Goldstadt250 Presented at Congress Centrum Pforzheim ATTYÉF AL’MEDINA anemptytextlline Interactive Shadow Projection in Tunisia Premiered in September 2016 Produced at INTERFERENCE Light Festival Presented at Dar Sharif, Tunis, Tunisia TRANSKUTAN anemptytextlline Analog Projection Mapping Premiered in August 2016 Presented at Schlosslichtspiele 2016 Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media RADIX anemptytextlline Digitally Augmented Projection Sculpture Premiered in March 2016 Produced for Luminale Lightning Biennale Originally presented at Senkenberg Museum Frankfurt KINETIC STREAM anemptytextlline Interactive Installation Premiered in January 2016 Produced for Festival Temps d‘Images Cooperation with Hochschule Düsseldorf Presented at Tanzhaus NRW FAÇADE DIALOGS anemptytextlline Participatory Projection in Public Space Premiered in September 2015 Commissioned by CityLeaks Urban Art Festival Presented at Wiener Platz, Cologne ONEIRONAUT anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on Palace of Karlsruhe Premiered in August 2015 Presented at Schlosslichtspiele GLOBALE Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media Produced for Stadtmarketing Karlsruhe MOYA FAÇADE anemptytextlline Historical Storytelling through Projection Mapping Premiered in August 2014 Commissioned by Genius Loci Festival Presented at Herderplatz, Weimar, Germany IMAGO anemptytextlline Interactive Projection Mapping Premiered in May 2014 Presented at Theater am Goetheplatz, Bremen Produced for Bremer Karneval - Lichtertreiben FASZINATION DIGITAL anemptytextlline Interactive Projection Mapping Premiered in November 2013 Presented at Chinelo Theater, Bremen Produced for Chinelo Theater Bremen DREAM BUBBLE MACHINE anemptytextlline Projection on Smoke-Filled Soap Bubbles Premiered in July 2012
Filter CategoriesALLSELECTIONAUDIOVISUAL ARTDIGITAL DESIGNCREATIVE RESEARCH COMPRESSION ECHOES anemptytextlline Emergent patterns and glitches of digital image compression Premiered in January 2025 Self-Initiated Research Project DIOPTRICON anemptytextlline Experiments on parallel light Premiered in November 2024 Presented at Güterbahnhof Bremen '89 BLICKWINKEL anemptytextlline Participatory Projection in Public Space Premiered in October 2024 Presented at Leipzig Main StationCommissioned by Light Festival Leipzig GLACIAL MEMORIES anemptytextlline Ice core drill installation on glacier melting Premiered in December 2023 Presented at SUB ZERO exhibition in Potsdam STRATA anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on the life cycle of a glacier Premiered in May 2023 Projected onto the City Library Brixen Commissioned by Waterlight Festival Brixen POLYTOPE XIa anemptytextlline An audiovisual exploration of Speicher XIa, inspired by Iannis Xenakis With students of University of the Arts BremenPremiered in April 2023 Commissioned by HfK Bremen STEEL AND BYTES anemptytextlline Interactive shipyard model for exhibition Premiered in October 2022Exhibited at German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven RE:ZITATION anemptytextlline Projection and Sound Installation for Schütz-Novalis-Year Premiered in November 2022 Presented at Castle Neu-Augustusburg Weißenfels FLUCTUATING LIGHT anemptytextlline Immersive journey through particle paintings Premiered in October 2021 As part of the Bright Festival OPEN SPACE 2022 anemptytextlline Audio-reactive LED Installation and VJing for public stage From June to September 2022At Domshof Bremen EX.POSE anemptytextlline 360° Dance and Media Installation Premiered in February 2022Commissioned by MWFK des Landes BrandenburgPresented at Waschhaus Potsdam open air stage LUMINOUS OBJECTS anemptytextlline Artistic studies in between image and sculpture Self initiated research projectIn continuous development since 2018 MIMESIS anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on "Post-Naturalia" Premiered in October 2021Commissioned by Lichtstrom Festival IngolstadtProjected onto Reduit Tilly OPEN SPACE DOMSHOF anemptytextlline Light and media concept in urban context June until September 2021 Commissioned by University of the Arts Bremen Installed at Domshof Bremen ENTITIES anemptytextlline An Algorithmic Performance Self initiated research project In constant development since 2021 RELIEF anemptytextlline A topographical film and sound study Film premiere with concert in September 2021In cooperation with Marc EisenschinkFunded by: MWFK Brandenburg REFLECT anemptytextlline 360° hybrid concert for orchestra and algorithms Premiered in January 2021 Cooperation with Kammerakademie Potsdamand Waschhaus Potsdam GEZEITEN anemptytextlline Media Architecture Content and Projection Premiered in September 2020 Commissioned by German Maritime MuseumShown at Bangert-Building, Bremerhaven FAST45 anemptytextlline Futures Art School Trends in 2045Research Project about Future Visions on Art Academies Project period 2021 - 2024 As part of the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance KORRELATION anemptytextlline Interactive Media Installation on hybrid ecosystems Premiered in September 2020 Commissioned by ZKM | Center for Arts and Media KarlsruheProduced for “Seasons of Media Arts” Festival THE EVER CHANGING LIGHT anemptytextlline Media Performance for impressionist exhibition Premiered in August 2020 Commissioned by Potsdam Museum BELONGING anemptytextlline 180° Projection Mapping on Alte Oper Frankfurt Premiered in March 2020 Commissioned by Luminale Projected onto Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany WOANDERS anemptytextlline Media-Scenography for music performance Premiered in December 2019 Commissioned by Hebbel am Ufer, BerlinConcert by Masha Qrella AUFBRUCH MOSAiC anemptytextlline Interactive floor projection for MOSAiC expedition Premiered in September 2019 Commissioned by Alfred-Wegner-InstitutProduced for MOSAiC-Expedition farewell event Presented in Tromsø, Norway POLARSTERN FAREWELL anemptytextlline Projection on ship for expedition farewell Premiered in September 2019 Commissioned by Alfred-Wegner-Institut Produced for MOSAiC farewell event Presented in Tromsø, Norway Projected onto POLARSTERN icebreaker A SECRET ARCHIPELAGO anemptytextlline Immersive Audio Book Installation Premiered in August 2019 Created for „Localize Festival - Islands“ Installed at Freundschaftsinsel, Potsdam WALLS OF PERCEPTION anemptytextlline Projection Mapping for ZKM Schlosslichtspiele Premiered in August 2019 Produced for Schlosslichtspiele 2019 Curated by ZKM | Centre for Arts and Media Projected onto the castle of Karlsruhe SCREENIZATION: AUTONOMY anemptytextlline Experiment on pixels creating a swarm screen Presented in November 2018 Produced as part of series of "Screenization" Experiments SCREENIZATION: MATERIALITY anemptytextlline Sculpture of purely screenic material Presented in November 2018 Produced as part of series of "Screenization" Experiments FORMATIONEN anemptytextlline Audio-reactive tower projection Premiered in October 2018 For the 4th Edition of Stendaler Lichttage Projected onto the Uengelinger Tor VORTEX LUCIS anemptytextlline Interactive Media Installation Premiered in June 2018 Produced for Stadt für eine Nacht 2018Presented at Schinkelhalle, Potsdam, Germany LIVING BUILDINGS anemptytextlline Exhibition projection on architectural model Premiered in May 2018 Presented at Offizze, Schiffbauergasse Produced for ProPotsdam GmbH METAMUTATIONS anemptytextlline Spatial Extension of Festival Identity Premiered in May 2018 Presented at Filmuniversity Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Potsdam Produced for Sehsüchte Filmfestival OFFENBACH CENTRAL anemptytextlline Façade Projection with Email Participation Premiered in March 2018 By invitation of “Initiative Hauptbahnhof OF” Presented at Luminale - Light Art Biennial LUX EXCELSIS anemptytextlline Architecture Projection in Church Vault Premiered in January 2018 Produced for EVI Lichtungen Festival Presented at St. Andreas Kirche Hildesheim RESONANCE anemptytextlline Interactive Tap Dance Performance Premiered in January 2018 Produced for TEMPS D‘IMAGES Festival Presented at Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf Together with Luka Tap Productions HAMSAAT AL-BIR anemptytextlline Community Project about an Abandoned Well Premiered in July 2017 Produced at SEE DJERBA Festival, Tunisia Presented at the B’ir Ar-rumi, Houmt Souk 100m² MEER anemptytextlline Interactive Floor Projection for Exhibition Design Premiered in May 2017 Produced for House of Science Bremen Cooperation with University of Arts Bremen DER KUSS anemptytextlline Stage Projection for Ballet Performance Premiered in January 2017 Produced for Theater Pforzheim AUREAL anemptytextlline Augmented Fashion Show for Anniversary Event Premiered in May 2017 Produced for Goldstadt250 Presented at Congress Centrum Pforzheim GOLDSTADT 250 anemptytextlline Panorama Projections for Jewellery Anniversary Premiered in May 2017 Produced for Goldstadt250 Presented at Congress Centrum Pforzheim ATTYÉF AL’MEDINA anemptytextlline Interactive Shadow Projection in Tunisia Premiered in September 2016 Produced at INTERFERENCE Light Festival Presented at Dar Sharif, Tunis, Tunisia TRANSKUTAN anemptytextlline Analog Projection Mapping Premiered in August 2016 Presented at Schlosslichtspiele 2016 Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media RADIX anemptytextlline Digitally Augmented Projection Sculpture Premiered in March 2016 Produced for Luminale Lightning Biennale Originally presented at Senkenberg Museum Frankfurt KINETIC STREAM anemptytextlline Interactive Installation Premiered in January 2016 Produced for Festival Temps d‘Images Cooperation with Hochschule Düsseldorf Presented at Tanzhaus NRW FAÇADE DIALOGS anemptytextlline Participatory Projection in Public Space Premiered in September 2015 Commissioned by CityLeaks Urban Art Festival Presented at Wiener Platz, Cologne ONEIRONAUT anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on Palace of Karlsruhe Premiered in August 2015 Presented at Schlosslichtspiele GLOBALE Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media Produced for Stadtmarketing Karlsruhe MOYA FAÇADE anemptytextlline Historical Storytelling through Projection Mapping Premiered in August 2014 Commissioned by Genius Loci Festival Presented at Herderplatz, Weimar, Germany IMAGO anemptytextlline Interactive Projection Mapping Premiered in May 2014 Presented at Theater am Goetheplatz, Bremen Produced for Bremer Karneval - Lichtertreiben FASZINATION DIGITAL anemptytextlline Interactive Projection Mapping Premiered in November 2013 Presented at Chinelo Theater, Bremen Produced for Chinelo Theater Bremen DREAM BUBBLE MACHINE anemptytextlline Projection on Smoke-Filled Soap Bubbles Premiered in July 2012
Filter CategoriesALLSELECTIONAUDIOVISUAL ARTDIGITAL DESIGNCREATIVE RESEARCH COMPRESSION ECHOES anemptytextlline Emergent patterns and glitches of digital image compression Premiered in January 2025 Self-Initiated Research Project DIOPTRICON anemptytextlline Experiments on parallel light Premiered in November 2024 Presented at Güterbahnhof Bremen '89 BLICKWINKEL anemptytextlline Participatory Projection in Public Space Premiered in October 2024 Presented at Leipzig Main StationCommissioned by Light Festival Leipzig GLACIAL MEMORIES anemptytextlline Ice core drill installation on glacier melting Premiered in December 2023 Presented at SUB ZERO exhibition in Potsdam STRATA anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on the life cycle of a glacier Premiered in May 2023 Projected onto the City Library Brixen Commissioned by Waterlight Festival Brixen POLYTOPE XIa anemptytextlline An audiovisual exploration of Speicher XIa, inspired by Iannis Xenakis With students of University of the Arts BremenPremiered in April 2023 Commissioned by HfK Bremen STEEL AND BYTES anemptytextlline Interactive shipyard model for exhibition Premiered in October 2022Exhibited at German Maritime Museum Bremerhaven RE:ZITATION anemptytextlline Projection and Sound Installation for Schütz-Novalis-Year Premiered in November 2022 Presented at Castle Neu-Augustusburg Weißenfels FLUCTUATING LIGHT anemptytextlline Immersive journey through particle paintings Premiered in October 2021 As part of the Bright Festival OPEN SPACE 2022 anemptytextlline Audio-reactive LED Installation and VJing for public stage From June to September 2022At Domshof Bremen EX.POSE anemptytextlline 360° Dance and Media Installation Premiered in February 2022Commissioned by MWFK des Landes BrandenburgPresented at Waschhaus Potsdam open air stage LUMINOUS OBJECTS anemptytextlline Artistic studies in between image and sculpture Self initiated research projectIn continuous development since 2018 MIMESIS anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on "Post-Naturalia" Premiered in October 2021Commissioned by Lichtstrom Festival IngolstadtProjected onto Reduit Tilly OPEN SPACE DOMSHOF anemptytextlline Light and media concept in urban context June until September 2021 Commissioned by University of the Arts Bremen Installed at Domshof Bremen ENTITIES anemptytextlline An Algorithmic Performance Self initiated research project In constant development since 2021 RELIEF anemptytextlline A topographical film and sound study Film premiere with concert in September 2021In cooperation with Marc EisenschinkFunded by: MWFK Brandenburg REFLECT anemptytextlline 360° hybrid concert for orchestra and algorithms Premiered in January 2021 Cooperation with Kammerakademie Potsdamand Waschhaus Potsdam GEZEITEN anemptytextlline Media Architecture Content and Projection Premiered in September 2020 Commissioned by German Maritime MuseumShown at Bangert-Building, Bremerhaven FAST45 anemptytextlline Futures Art School Trends in 2045Research Project about Future Visions on Art Academies Project period 2021 - 2024 As part of the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance KORRELATION anemptytextlline Interactive Media Installation on hybrid ecosystems Premiered in September 2020 Commissioned by ZKM | Center for Arts and Media KarlsruheProduced for “Seasons of Media Arts” Festival THE EVER CHANGING LIGHT anemptytextlline Media Performance for impressionist exhibition Premiered in August 2020 Commissioned by Potsdam Museum BELONGING anemptytextlline 180° Projection Mapping on Alte Oper Frankfurt Premiered in March 2020 Commissioned by Luminale Projected onto Alte Oper, Frankfurt, Germany WOANDERS anemptytextlline Media-Scenography for music performance Premiered in December 2019 Commissioned by Hebbel am Ufer, BerlinConcert by Masha Qrella AUFBRUCH MOSAiC anemptytextlline Interactive floor projection for MOSAiC expedition Premiered in September 2019 Commissioned by Alfred-Wegner-InstitutProduced for MOSAiC-Expedition farewell event Presented in Tromsø, Norway POLARSTERN FAREWELL anemptytextlline Projection on ship for expedition farewell Premiered in September 2019 Commissioned by Alfred-Wegner-Institut Produced for MOSAiC farewell event Presented in Tromsø, Norway Projected onto POLARSTERN icebreaker A SECRET ARCHIPELAGO anemptytextlline Immersive Audio Book Installation Premiered in August 2019 Created for „Localize Festival - Islands“ Installed at Freundschaftsinsel, Potsdam WALLS OF PERCEPTION anemptytextlline Projection Mapping for ZKM Schlosslichtspiele Premiered in August 2019 Produced for Schlosslichtspiele 2019 Curated by ZKM | Centre for Arts and Media Projected onto the castle of Karlsruhe SCREENIZATION: AUTONOMY anemptytextlline Experiment on pixels creating a swarm screen Presented in November 2018 Produced as part of series of "Screenization" Experiments SCREENIZATION: MATERIALITY anemptytextlline Sculpture of purely screenic material Presented in November 2018 Produced as part of series of "Screenization" Experiments FORMATIONEN anemptytextlline Audio-reactive tower projection Premiered in October 2018 For the 4th Edition of Stendaler Lichttage Projected onto the Uengelinger Tor VORTEX LUCIS anemptytextlline Interactive Media Installation Premiered in June 2018 Produced for Stadt für eine Nacht 2018Presented at Schinkelhalle, Potsdam, Germany LIVING BUILDINGS anemptytextlline Exhibition projection on architectural model Premiered in May 2018 Presented at Offizze, Schiffbauergasse Produced for ProPotsdam GmbH METAMUTATIONS anemptytextlline Spatial Extension of Festival Identity Premiered in May 2018 Presented at Filmuniversity Babelsberg Konrad Wolf, Potsdam Produced for Sehsüchte Filmfestival OFFENBACH CENTRAL anemptytextlline Façade Projection with Email Participation Premiered in March 2018 By invitation of “Initiative Hauptbahnhof OF” Presented at Luminale - Light Art Biennial LUX EXCELSIS anemptytextlline Architecture Projection in Church Vault Premiered in January 2018 Produced for EVI Lichtungen Festival Presented at St. Andreas Kirche Hildesheim RESONANCE anemptytextlline Interactive Tap Dance Performance Premiered in January 2018 Produced for TEMPS D‘IMAGES Festival Presented at Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf Together with Luka Tap Productions HAMSAAT AL-BIR anemptytextlline Community Project about an Abandoned Well Premiered in July 2017 Produced at SEE DJERBA Festival, Tunisia Presented at the B’ir Ar-rumi, Houmt Souk 100m² MEER anemptytextlline Interactive Floor Projection for Exhibition Design Premiered in May 2017 Produced for House of Science Bremen Cooperation with University of Arts Bremen DER KUSS anemptytextlline Stage Projection for Ballet Performance Premiered in January 2017 Produced for Theater Pforzheim AUREAL anemptytextlline Augmented Fashion Show for Anniversary Event Premiered in May 2017 Produced for Goldstadt250 Presented at Congress Centrum Pforzheim GOLDSTADT 250 anemptytextlline Panorama Projections for Jewellery Anniversary Premiered in May 2017 Produced for Goldstadt250 Presented at Congress Centrum Pforzheim ATTYÉF AL’MEDINA anemptytextlline Interactive Shadow Projection in Tunisia Premiered in September 2016 Produced at INTERFERENCE Light Festival Presented at Dar Sharif, Tunis, Tunisia TRANSKUTAN anemptytextlline Analog Projection Mapping Premiered in August 2016 Presented at Schlosslichtspiele 2016 Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media RADIX anemptytextlline Digitally Augmented Projection Sculpture Premiered in March 2016 Produced for Luminale Lightning Biennale Originally presented at Senkenberg Museum Frankfurt KINETIC STREAM anemptytextlline Interactive Installation Premiered in January 2016 Produced for Festival Temps d‘Images Cooperation with Hochschule Düsseldorf Presented at Tanzhaus NRW FAÇADE DIALOGS anemptytextlline Participatory Projection in Public Space Premiered in September 2015 Commissioned by CityLeaks Urban Art Festival Presented at Wiener Platz, Cologne ONEIRONAUT anemptytextlline Projection Mapping on Palace of Karlsruhe Premiered in August 2015 Presented at Schlosslichtspiele GLOBALE Curated by ZKM | Center for Art and Media Produced for Stadtmarketing Karlsruhe MOYA FAÇADE anemptytextlline Historical Storytelling through Projection Mapping Premiered in August 2014 Commissioned by Genius Loci Festival Presented at Herderplatz, Weimar, Germany IMAGO anemptytextlline Interactive Projection Mapping Premiered in May 2014 Presented at Theater am Goetheplatz, Bremen Produced for Bremer Karneval - Lichtertreiben FASZINATION DIGITAL anemptytextlline Interactive Projection Mapping Premiered in November 2013 Presented at Chinelo Theater, Bremen Produced for Chinelo Theater Bremen DREAM BUBBLE MACHINE anemptytextlline Projection on Smoke-Filled Soap Bubbles Premiered in July 2012